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Audio Character For Toniebox: Sleeping Beauty

Listen, play, collect. These Tonies are up for everything!

Handcrafted for hands-on play. Every Tonie is hand-painted, yet tough enough to be part of the fun not just on, but also off the box.

Princess Aurora is cursed by the wicked fairy Maleficent and falls into an enchanted slumber that can only be broken by true love’s kiss.

Prince Phillip must brave many dangers in his quest to awaken the princess from her eternal sleep, including a battle with a ferocious fire-breathing dragon. With the help of three fairies Flora, Fauna and Merryweather, will the prince succeed?

Young fans will enjoy singing along to four memorable songs from the original Disney film.

Age 3+

List of titles:

01 - Main Title (Once Upon a Dream)
02 - Hail to the Princess Aurora
03 - The Gifts of Beauty and Song/True Love Conquers All
04 - I Wonder
05 - Once Upon a Dream
06 - Sleeping Beauty

Toniebox required for use. Wi-Fi connection required for initial setup.

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